Shoved Inside A Giantess Ass!
March 18, 2019
Night Terror
April 10, 2019
Sam hated having to go to his sister’s sorority house but here he was, having been dragged to yet another celebration for her seemingly constant volleyball wins. That was the other thing he hated, at 5’7” he wasn’t tall by any means but never felt so diminutive at he did surrounded by the sexy amazons that were her teammates. As he skulked in the corner he had no clue that some of them had noticed his less than enthused attitude over the last couple months. Tia and Scarlet were both over six feet and absolutely towered over the petulant brother of their friend. They had always thought he was cute in a helpless kind of way, and realized that now was the perfect time to have some fun with the whiny boy. Before he could stop them the dominant giantesses had cornered him in their room and began to Tickle torcher him mercilessly. Call me for some giantess fetish phone sex! 1-888-430-2010
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